Distance Table
Distances and times between major towns
Approximate travel times from Brisbane. Expect delays around Brisbane during peak periods including the weekends.
Distance | Time | |
Rainbow Beach | 245 km | 2 hr 50 min |
Hervey Bay | 290 km | 3 hr 30 min |
Bundaberg | 370 km | 4 hr 15 min |
There are a few paid and free car parks in Hervey Bay, and you could take a chance and try for a free park by the K'gari (Fraser Island) River Barge at River Heads (Mary River mouth).
For road and traffic information including closures, please see the QLD Traffic website.
QLD Rail Tilt train runs between Brisbane to Rockhampton five times a week, with a connecting bus between Maryborough and Hervey Bay.
Station | Sun | Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri |
Brisbane | 11:00 | 16:55 |
Maryborough West | 14.48 | 20.35 |
Bundaberg | 15.40 | 21.35 |
Station | Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri, Sat |
Bundaberg | 10.02 |
Maryborough West | 10.58 |
Brisbane | 14.50 |
Connecting buses leave Hervey Bay transit centre at Pialba about 1 hr 30 min before the train.
Greyhound Buses service the area with stops at Gympie (prebooked only), Rainbow Beach, Maryborough, Hervey Bay and Bundaberg.
As of May 2024, there were three services daily, but these don't appear to stop at all stops.
Brisbane | 09:30 | 12:00 | 14:00 |
Rainbow Beach | 14:35 | n/a | 19:15 |
Wallu | n/a | n/a | 18:40 |
Hervey Bay | 16:30 | 17:35 | 21:05 |
Bundaberg | n/a | 19:45 | 23:10 |
Bundaberg | 22:45 | 03:55 | n/a |
Hervey Bay | 01:10 | 06:20 | 10:30 |
Wallu | n/a | 07:45 | n/a |
Rainbow Beach | n/a | 08:20 | 12:35 |
Brisbane | 06:00 | 13:00 | 17:30 |
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