Sunset at Hervey Bay Jetty


Geoscience Australia provide downloadable topographic maps
50k Map Index, most from northern coastlines, minimal others
100k Map Index, most coastal regions excluding Tasmania
250k Map Index, complete coverage
1 Million Map Index, complete coverage

The Federal Government's National Maps is a useful online topological map with lots of additional data providers like the SRTM 1 sec DEM data set.

Sentinel Hub is a great tool for viewing near real time satellite data including Sentinel, Landsat, and other Earth observation imagery.

Queensland (QLD)
An online tool QTopo that allows you to download 1:100K to 1:25K topological maps and it even allows you to generate your own custom topo maps of areas of interest.
GetLost Maps
Free topographical maps that you can download directly from their website as well as on Avenza Maps.

Distance markers

The online map has markers every kilometer that start at 0 at River Heads where the Mary meets the Great Sandy Strait up to 307 at the farm dam near the source on the Conondale Range near Maleny.

Zoom in to see all of these markers. These do not correlate with any existing numbering system on the river.

  • Source
  • Conondale
  • Little Yabba Creek
  • Kenilworth
  • Gympie
  • Tiaro
  • Maryborough
  • River Head
  • Great Sandy Strait
  • Dam or Reservoirs
  • Weir or Low Head Dams