
Location Statistics

The area has a subtropical climate characterised by hot and humid summers, and mild winters.

There are distinct wet and dry seasons, where winter and early spring tend to be dry with sunny skies and late spring through to autumn tend to be wetter and most of the rains tend to be caused from thounderstorms.

The wet season also carries the risks of cyclones, however these are rare compared to up north.

Site name: Tewantin, QLD

Site number: 040908

Elevation: 6 m

Status: Open (commenced 1995)

Mean Temps

Annual: 25.4°C
Monthly low: 11.3 to 21.9°C
Monthly high: 21.3 to 28.6°C

Mean Rainfall

Annual: 1,600 mm
Monthly min: 0 to 87 mm
Monthly max: 201 to 905 mm

Seasonal Wind Roses

These wind roses are based on limited data from early 2022 onwards.

Tewantin (9am)

Tewantin (3pm)