
Distances via the lakes

Distance table going via the lakes and Redbank Creek

The following distances are based on starting from the boat ramp at Menindee and paddling down to the outlet channel of Lake Menindee (Little Menindee Creek), across the lake and down towards the Anabranch via Lake Cawndilla. You miss 30 km of the top section of the Great Darling Anabranch going this way.

The track measured for the two lakes follows the shortest shoreline approx. 100 m from the edge of the lakes when fill. A straight line across the lakes will shorten the trip by 2.4 km for Lake Menindee, and 3.6 km for Lake Cawndilla.

Like the other distance table, the final leg is paddling upstream on the Murray River to reach Wentworth.

Tap or hover your mouse over a table cell to show the estimated number of days it will likely take between two locations.

Distances (KM)
Lk Menindee
Cawndilla Ck
Lake Cawndilla
Cawndilla Outflow
Tandou Ck
Packers Crossing
Darling Anabranch
Popiltah Ck
Dam 183
Silver Hway
Anabranch Hall
Murray River
Distances (KM)
Lk Menindee*601328455693148277349381458561585Lk Menindee*
Cawndilla Ck*1913014314279135264336368444547571Cawndilla Ck*
Lake Cawndilla*3328140172865121250321354430533557Lake Cawndilla*
Cawndilla Outflow*5045311701148104233305337413516540Cawndilla Outflow*
Tandou Ck*615642281103793222293326402505529Tandou Ck*
Packers Crossing*989379654837056185256289365468492Packers Crossing*
Darling Anabranch*15414813512110493560129201233309412436Darling Anabranch*
Popiltah Ck*283277264250233222185129072104180284308Popiltah Ck*
Dam 183*35534933632130529325620172032109212236Dam 183*
Silver Hway*38738136835433732628923310432076179203Silver Hway*
Anabranch Hall*463458444430413402365309180109760103127Anabranch Hall*
Murray River*566561547533516505468412284212179103024Murray River*
Distances (KM)
Lk Menindee
Cawndilla Ck
Lake Cawndilla
Cawndilla Outflow
Tandou Ck
Packers Crossing
Darling Anabranch
Popiltah Ck
Dam 183
Silver Hway
Anabranch Hall
Murray River
Distances (KM)

*No facilities
General store

Other towns are in bold and should have one or more supermarkets.