

Distance table going via the Darling River

The following distances are based on starting from the boat ramp at Menindee and paddling down the Darling to the start of the Darling Anabranch and then paddling up the Murray River to Wentworth. An alternative route is via the lakes and those distances can be found here.

Distances (KM)
Great Darling Anabranch
Redbank Creek
Murray River
Distances (KM)
Menindee 0 120 150 568 592 Menindee
Great Darling Anabranch 120 0 30 448 472 Great Darling Anabranch
Redbank Creek 150 30 0 418 442 Redbank Creek
Murray River 568 448 418 0 24 Murray River
Wentworth 592 472 442 24 0 Wentworth
Distances (KM)
Great Darling Anabranch
Redbank Creek
Murray River
Distances (KM)

The distances were calculated by manually digitising the river path from Bing aerial images in QGIS (WGS 84 / UTM Zone 55S).