

Distance table going via Lake Cawndilla

The following distances are based on starting from the boat ramp at Menindee and paddling down to the outlet channel of Lake Menindee (Little Menindee Creek), across the lake and down towards the Anabranch via Lake Cawndilla. You miss 30 km of the top section of the Great Darling Anabranch going this way.

The track measured for the two lakes follows the shortest shoreline approx. 1 km from the edge of the lakes when filled. A straight line across will cut ~2 km off the distance for these legs.

Like the other distance table, the final leg is paddling upstream on the Darling to reach Wentworth.

Distances (KM)
Cawndilla Creek
Lake Cawndilla
Cawndilla Channel
Tandou Creek
Redbank Creek
Great Darling Anabranch
Murray River
Distances (KM)
Menindee 0 6 17 32 45 60 88 506 530 Menindee
Lk Menindee 6 0 11 27 40 54 82 500 524 Lk Menindee
Cawndilla Ck 17 11 0 16 29 43 71 489 513 Cawndilla Ck
Lk Cawndilla 32 27 16 0 13 27 56 474 498 Lk Cawndilla
Cawndilla Channel 45 40 29 13 0 14 43 460 484 Cawndilla Channel
Tandou Ck 60 54 43 27 14 0 28 446 470 Tandou Ck
Redbank Ck 88 82 71 56 43 28 0 418 442 Redbank Ck
Great Darling Anabranch 506 500 489 474 460 446 418 0 24 Great Darling Anabranch
Murray River 530 524 513 498 484 470 442 24 0 Murray River
Distances (KM)
Cawndilla Creek
Lake Cawndilla
Cawndilla Channel
Tandou Creek
Redbank Creek
Great Darling Anabranch
Murray River
Distances (KM)

The distances were calculated by manually digitising the river path from Bing aerial images in QGIS (WGS 84 / UTM Zone 55S).