Lake Moogerah

Lake Moogerah

Moogerah Dam

Access may be restricted due to low water levels, events or other safety concerns such as firefighting aircraft using the dam and surrounding areas.

Please check with Seqwater for the latest updates before heading out.

What to expect

Lake Moogerah is an inland lake that is popular over summer with fishermen and campers escaping the QLD heat. The lake is mostly surrounded by farmland with small sections backing up into national parks. Excellent views of Mount Greville and Mount Alford can be found from almost everywhere on the lake.

Moogerah Dam is primarily used for irrigation purposes around Boonah and feeds to both Reynolds and Warrill creeks. As such, water levels can drop significantly in the dry.

The lake is approximately 4 km long and 2 km wide. It is a fairly shallow lake so you may have to traverse the shoreline a bit further out than normal to avoid sticking your paddle into the lakebed

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Features and facilities

Series of measuring markers

There are two boat ramps located at AG Muller Park (Lake Moogerah Caravan Park) and one could launch with care from Fred Haigh Park. Camp Moogerah has a private boat ramp for guests that are staying there.

Fred Haigh Park is open to the public seven days a week at the time of writing, from 5:30am to 6:30pm (September – April) and 6:00am to 5:30pm (May – August).

AG Muller Park is within the privately run Lake Moogerah Caravan Park and can be accessed free of charge during the day. The caravan park has a boom gate across the entry, so you need to pop in to get the pin used to enter and exit the park. This pin changes daily around 6pm.

Refer to the SEQWater Lake Moogerah guide for up to date information.

Location Features Distance
Boat Ramp #2
Dam Spillway 3.2 km
Fred Haigh Park 2.9 km
Camp Moogerah (guests only) 2.7 km
AG Muller Park Boat Ramp 1 0.6 km
AG Muller Park Boat Ramp 2 -
Reynolds Creek 2.4 km
Coulson Creek 2.6 km
Sandy Creek 4.0 km

Most of the features were taken from SEQWater published Location maps and guides.
Distances are approximate only and are based on roughly staying near the shoreline with a 500 m crossing to get to the dam, Fred Haigh Park and Sandy Creek.

View of mountain behind lake
Mount Alford
Cattle in a paddock beside the lake
One of the privately owned cattle stations around the lake.
dam and distant picnic area
Looking over the lake towards the dam (center) and Fred Haigh Park (right).

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Explore the key locations in the map below. Most locations will have a photograph that can be seen by clicking on the icon or number in the map itself.

  • Spillway
  • Fred Haigh Park
  • Boat Ramps
  • Viewpoints

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What to take

Ensure electronic devices and gear have waterproof containers / dry bags if needed.

What to wear

  • Sunscreen / Chapstick *
  • Sunglasses *
  • Hat *
  • Swimwear or shorts
  • Sun protective clothing (rashie)
  • Water shoes

What to take

  • Water
  • Snacks
  • Phone
  • Camera
  • Watch
  • Sponge
  • Rain jacket
  • Spare clothes / Towel


  • PDF (life jacket) *
  • Whistle
  • Paddle float
  • Bilge pump
  • Paddle lease *
  • Spare paddle
  • Light (night paddling)

* Highly recommended (aka required)
You should wear clothing and footwear that you can comfortably swim in.
These are for self or assisted rescues as there are places that you can't easily swim back to the shore.

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There is a wide variety of birdlife on the lake and you could be lucky and see some turtles. Livestock is common around the lake.

seagulls by the water
Silver Gulls (Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae) scavenging on the shoreline.
Bird in water
Eastern Great Egret (Ardea alba modesta) watching the world go by.
Bird in a tree
Little Black Cormorant (Phalacrocorax sulcirostris) often made up large flocks with occasional Little Pied Cormorants and Australasian Darters adding to the numbers.
Pair of Grey Teal (Anas gracilis).
two crows on a tree
Two young Torresian Crows (Corvus orru). Adults will have silver eyes.
Bird on paddock
Straw-necked Ibis (Threskiornis spinicollis) hunting for grass-hoppers.

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Mountain view from across the lake

Trip Details


Boat Ramp
21 km
full day
Technical difficulty
Grade I

Quick Stats

Lake / Reservoir
Lake Moogerah
Dam / Weir
Moogerah Dam
Reynolds Creek
29.8 km
21 km
83.8 GL
228 sq km
6.8 sq km
First Nations
Feels like 26.1°C
Strongest Gust: 30 kph NNE at 2:47am
29.4 mm since 9am yesterday

Sun and Twilight Times

05:56—17:51 / 11hr 55m
Civil: 05:34—18:13 / 12hr 39m
Nautical: 05:06—18:41 / 13hr 34m

Moon Info

New Moon 9:00pm
5:20am 5:37pm
Banner image is of Lake Moogerah