dam wall

Atkinson's Lagoon

Atkinson Dam

Access may be restricted due to low water levels, events or other safety concerns such as firefighting aircraft using the dam and surrounding areas.

Please check with Seqwater for the latest updates before heading out.

Atkinson Dam located west of Lake Wivenhoe, between Gatton and Esk. It is part of the local irrigation scheme.

What to expect

The lake is about 3 km long and up to 1.5 km wide in places. The main body of the lake is fairly open and can get choppy if there is any wind. It can also get busy in summer being open to all forms of water sports. The smaller western arm is less likely to see boat traffic and will contain the calmest waters and the best wildlife experiences.

The rocks of the long 2.0 km dam wall help to dampen any reflecting waves on what could otherwise be a very exposed leg in windy conditions.

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Features and facilities

There is a single public boat ramp that can be found in the day use area beside the dam wall. The day use area has toilets, BBQs and picnic shelters.

The dam and recreation facilities are open to the public seven days a week at the time of writing, from 5:30am to 6:30pm (September – April) and 6:00am to 5:30pm (May – August).

Refer to the SEQWater Lake Atkinson guide for up to date information.

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Explore the key locations in the map below. Most locations will have a photograph that can be seen by clicking on the icon or number in the map itself.

The map also has markers every 100 metres that start at 0 from the put in area.

You may need to zoom in to see all of these markers. These do not correlate with any existing numbering system on the lake.

  • Spillway
  • Atkinson Dam Park
  • Dam Wall
  • Boat Ramps
  • Viewpoints

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What to take

Ensure electronic devices and gear have waterproof containers / dry bags if needed.

What to wear

  • Sunscreen / Chapstick *
  • Sunglasses *
  • Hat *
  • Swimwear or shorts
  • Sun protective clothing (rashie)
  • Water shoes

What to take

  • Water
  • Snacks
  • Phone
  • Camera
  • Watch
  • Sponge
  • Rain jacket
  • Spare clothes / Towel


  • PDF (life jacket) *
  • Whistle
  • Paddle float
  • Bilge pump
  • Paddle lease *
  • Spare paddle
  • Light (night paddling)

* Highly recommended (aka required)
You should wear clothing and footwear that you can comfortably swim in.
These are for self or assisted rescues as there are places that you can't easily swim back to the shore.

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The lake has seen a large number of duck and wetland birds as well as other species that come in for water.

bird on water lilies
Eurasian coot (Fulica atra) in among the lily pads.
two ducks on water
Pair of Grey Teal (Anas gracilis).
Two birds
A pair of Australian Wood Ducks (Chenonetta jubata).
Bird in a tree
Little Black Cormorant (Phalacrocorax sulcirostris) is often found with other Cormorants and Darters.
Birds on water
Pacific Black Ducks (Anas superciliosa) hanging out in the water.
Bird on a tree
A flock of Little Corellas (Cacatua sanguinea) make for a great yet noisy encounter.
Bird on rock standing on one leg
Masked Lapwing (Vanellus miles) on a rock.
bird by shoreline
Black-fronted Dotterel (Elseyornis melanops) foraging for insects along the shoreline.
bird on branch
Red-backed Fairywren (Malurus melanocephalus) having a micro-pause on a branch.

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Grassy lake foreshore

Trip Details


Atkinson Dam Park
13.6 km
full day
Technical difficulty
Grade I

Quick Stats

Lake / Reservoir
Atkinson's Lagoon (Lake Atkinson)
Dam / Weir
Atkinson Dam
Buaraba Creek
16.8 km
30.4 GL
Flood Mitigation
32.7 sq km
5.6 sq km
First Nations
Waka Waka
Feels like 25.1°C
SSW at 2 kph, gusts to 4 kph
Strongest Gust: 15 kph E at 3:04am
30.2 mm since 9am yesterday

Sun and Twilight Times

05:57—17:53 / 11hr 55m
Civil: 05:35—18:15 / 12hr 39m
Nautical: 05:08—18:42 / 13hr 33m

Moon Info

New Moon 9:00pm
5:21am 5:38pm