
Lake Samsonvale

North Pine Dam

Access may be restricted due to low water levels, events or other safety concerns such as firefighting aircraft using the dam and surrounding areas.

Please check with Seqwater for the latest updates before heading out.

What to expect

North Pine Dam is located inland from Petrie on the North Pine River and is the main drinking water supply for north Brisbane and Moreton Bay. As such the water level is subject to demand and the lake will be lowest after a long dry spell.

The lake is vaguely compartmentalised into three sections with a long arm up North Pine Creek depending on the water level. These natural features help determine five zones on the lake where public access is restricted to just part of the first section nearest the dam. This provides just under 15 km of shoreline to explore.

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Features and facilities

The only public launch point is at Forgan Cove, off Forgan Road. Forgan Cove has toilets and picnic shelters. No other features of significance within the public area of the lake.

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Access Restrictions

Access is severely restricted to less than a quarter of the lake within Zone Two. No access near the dam wall that includes all water east of Forgan Cove to the first narrow point in the lake to the west that provides approx 1 km by 2 km of paddlable water.

Zone One
No access area near the dam wall
Zone Two
Public access with paddle craft only
Zone Three
Restricted to pass holders from the Pine Rivers Fish Management Association.
Zone Four
Restricted to members of Lake Samsonvale Water Sports Association.
Zone Five
No access

Refer to the SEQWater North Pine guide for up to date information.

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Explore the key locations in the map below.

  • Zone One
  • Zone Two
  • Zone Three
  • Zone Four
  • Zone Five
  • Kayak Ramp or Path

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What to take

Ensure electronic devices and gear have waterproof containers / dry bags if needed.

What to wear

  • Sunscreen / Chapstick *
  • Sunglasses *
  • Hat *
  • Swimwear or shorts
  • Sun protective clothing (rashie)
  • Water shoes

What to take

  • Water
  • Snacks
  • Phone
  • Camera
  • Watch
  • Sponge
  • Rain jacket
  • Spare clothes / Towel


  • PDF (life jacket) *
  • Whistle
  • Paddle float
  • Bilge pump
  • Paddle lease *
  • Spare paddle
  • Light (night paddling)

* Highly recommended (aka required)
You should wear clothing and footwear that you can comfortably swim in.
These are for self or assisted rescues as there are places that you can't easily swim back to the shore.

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Grebes, ducks, cormorants, terns, coots can be seen along with rosellas, pigeons, wagtails and many other birds.

two birds on the water
Pair of Australasian Grebe (Tachybaptus novaehollandiae) swimming in a freshwater lake.
bird on water
Great Crested Grebe (Podiceps cristatus) would usually dive into the lake well before you would get close to them.
Bird on a tree
Welcome swallow (Hirundo neoxena) resting during the heat of the day.
Bird in a tree
Noisy Miners (Manorina melanocephala) are common in many habitats.
bird by shoreline
Dusky Moorhen (Gallinula tenebrosa) foraging on everything from leaves, seeds, molluscs and invertebrates.
Bird on paddock
Straw-necked Ibis (Threskiornis spinicollis) hunting for grass-hoppers.
Bird chasing insects on the sand
Blue-faced honeyeater (Entomyzon cyanotis) chasing insects around the aerial roots of the Mangroves along the shore.
Bird in nest
Pale-headed Rosella (Platycercus adscitus) peeking out from its nest in a dead branch.
White-faced Heron (Egretta novaehollandiae) feed on crustaceans, fish, frogs, insects and worms.

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Lake shoreline through trees

Quick Stats

Lake / Reservoir
Lake Samsonvale
Dam / Weir
North Pine Dam
North Pine River
90 km plus
214 GL
Flood Mitigation
348 sq km
22 sq km
Elevation 36.5 m
Current Storage
121.2 GLD (57%)
First Nations
Kabi Kabi
Feels like 27.0°C
Light Breeze
SSE at 9 kph, gusts to 20 kph
Strongest Gust: 22 kph SSW at 10:43am
0.0 mm since 9am

Sun and Twilight Times

05:32—18:32 / 12hr 59m
Civil: 05:09—18:54 / 13hr 45m
Nautical: 04:40—19:23 / 14hr 42m

Moon Info

Waning Gibbous
Tue 10:11am 9:27pm
Banner image is of a sunset on the Brisbane River