Risk Assessment
My personal take on the dangers of the trip
There are no known direct public transport options between Menindee and Wentworth (240 km).
The bus between Broken Hill and Wentworth appears to run only on Wednesdays and Fridays with Broken Hill to Wentworth in the morning (5:15am) and this returns in the afternoon (4:15pm).
From Broken Hill, the train departs early Tuesday and stops in Menindee. The reverse trip on Monday.
The best option I can see for using public transport would be to get storage for your kayak in Wilcannia and take the Wednesday bus to Broken Hill and the very early morning bus to Wilcannia the next day. This would add 320 km to the trip.
As of 2022, there were major roadworks being done between Pooncarie and Menindee to finish tarmacking the entire length of road from Wentworth to the lakes. This should make it possible to easily cycle the 250 km trip from Wentworth to Menindee albeit this is an arid environment with only one location for supplies along the way.
Access to all other sections of the Darling Anabranch are via dry weather roads with the exception of Bunnerungee Bridge along the Silver City Highway between Wentworth and Broken Hill and Ten Mile Bridge near the mouth on the Old Remark Road. I found all to be in fairly good conditions for even my Mazda 3 to handle the sections of clay, sand and gravel easily.
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