Looking down on long lagoon on a sunny day


There are a number of ephemeral lakes along the anabranch and these are mostly regulated. The following is a digest of key statistics of the major lakes on the anabranch.

Lake Listing

Location Storage Area Perimeter Inflows Outflow
Menindee Lakes
Lake Wetherell 192.6 GL 30.5 sq km 75 km Darling River Darling River, Lake Pamamaroo
Lake Pamamaroo 277.7 GL 37.8 sq km 32.5 km Darling River Darling River, Copi Hollow
Lake Menindee 629.5 GL 156.7 sq km 53.5 km Copi Hollow Little Menindee Creek (Darling River), Cawndilla Creek (Lake Cawndilla)
Lake Cawndilla 631.1 GL 93.1 sq km 54.0 km Cawndilla Creek (Lake Menindee) Cawndilla Channel
Tandou Creek
Kangaroo Lake 6.3 sq km 14.0 km
Packers Lake 6.7 sq km 10.3 km
Collin's Lake 0.5 sq km 2.7 km
Lake Tandou 169.8 sq km 66.2 km Tandou Creek
No inflow at all seen during the major 2022/23 floods while all other lakes were filled.
Nettlegoe Lake 15.5 sq km 18.4 km
New Lake 1.8 sq km 9.4 km
Coonalhugga Creek
Bob's Lake 1.2 sq km 4.4 km
The lake appeared to be fill around the 2023-01-13 from floodplain flows from the Darling and Tandou Creek. A flow of above 35 GL/day appears to be required.
Bintullia Lake 1.5 sq km 7.2 km
The lake appeared to start filling from Coonalhugga Creek around the 2022-02-02 and was fill a week later. A flow of arround 18 GL/day appears to be required.
There may be preferencal flow from Coonalhugga Creek into Bintullia Lake rather than south towards the Darling Anabranch.
Tandou Creek overflowed out across to Bintullia Lake between 2023-01-08 to 13, or maybe it was the Darling floodplaining across to Tandou Creek.
Paradise Lake 1.3 sq km 9.0 km
The lake was dry in 2023-01-08 but appeared to be fill 6 days later. A flow of arround 30 GL/day appears to be required.
Basin Lake 0.5 sq km 2.7 km
Dry during the 2023 flood. Over 6 GL/day on the Anabranch, 40 GL/day on the Darling.
Long Lake 0.9 sq km 5.6 km
Dry during the 2023 flood. Over 6 GL/day on the Anabranch, 40 GL/day on the Darling.
Lake Are 0.3 sq km 2.2 km
There was a hint that some water made it to the lake during the peak of the 2023 flood, but only just. Over 6 GL/day on the Anabranch, 40 GL/day on the Darling.
Travellers Lake 0.7 sq km 3.5 km
The lake appears to fill 2022-01-03 with flow into the Darling Anabranch of 1 GL/day, 16.4 GL/day in the Darling. It is fill around 2022-02-02, 1.2 GL/day or 17 GL/day in the Darling.
There is a second Travellers Lake just off the middle Darling Anabranch.
Redbank Creek
Redbank Lake 1.4 sq km 4.9 km
Shadbolts Lake 0.2 sq km 1.9 km
Darling Anabranch
Chinamans Lake 7.8 sq km 3.4 km
Lake Mindona 93.5 sq km 63.8 km
Little Lake 5.7 sq km 11.4 km
Traveller's Lake 110.5 sq km 41.5 km
There is a second Travellers Lake sitting in the floodplains of the lower Coonalhugga Creek and upper Darling Anabranch.
Lake Popio 69.8 sq km 69.6 km
Lake Popiltah 91.6 sq km 56.9 km Redbank Creek
Patagorah Lake 0.9 sq km 3.9 km
Nialia Lake 33.4 sq km 26.5 km
Pine Lake 3.6 sq km 8.5 km
Rotten Lake 2.3 sq km 8.4 km
Blue Lake 0.2 sq km 1.7 km
Windamingle Lake 1.3 sq km 6.1 km
Yelta Lake 35.3 sq km 26.8 km
Binjie Lake 3.8 sq km 7.4 km
Nearie Lake 20.5 sq km 17.8 km Stony Creek
Nitchie Lake 5.3 sq km 10.3 km
Lake Milkengay 20.8 sq km 18.0 km Milkengay Creek
Warrawenia Lake 14.8 sq km 19.7 km Warrawenia Creek
Toora Lake 1.1 sq km 4.8 km


Map of all of the main lakes of the Great Darling Anabranch along with a number other lakes from around Menindee Lakes and the lower Darling.

  • Lake Pamamaroo
  • Lake Wetherell
  • Lake Menindee
  • Lake Cawndilla
  • Nettlegoe Lake
  • New Lake
  • Kangaroo Lake
  • Lake Tandou
  • Bob's Lake
  • Packers Lake
  • Bintullia Lake
  • Collin's Lake
  • Paradise Lake
  • Redbank Lake
  • Basin Lake
  • Shadbolts Lake
  • Long Lake
  • Lake Are
  • Travellers Lake
  • Chinamans Lake
  • Lake Mindona
  • Lake Popio
  • Lake Popiltah
  • Little Lake
  • Patagorah Lake
  • Pine Lake
  • Traveller's Lake
  • Rotten Lake
  • Binjie Lake
  • Blue Lake
  • Nialia Lake
  • Yelta Lake
  • Windamingle Lake
  • Nearie Lake
  • Nitchie Lake
  • Warrawenia Lake
  • Lake Milkengay
  • Toora Lake