Reflections off still waters

Transport Options

The information was parsed in early 2021 and could be out of date. Please check the relevant transport companies for updated schedules before you travel.

Transport Map

There are no bus services that run along the river and it is a bit of a puzzle trying to work out options.

There are two main transit hubs in NSW, Dubbo and Broken Hill. These cover the majority of the system. Dubbo generally has lunch time transfers and Broken Hill requires a stop over for the night. Transitioning into Queensland, Lightning Ridge appears to be the best option with a few buses running via St George and Goondiwindi via either Toowoomba or Warwick.

Upper Condamine Destinations

Brisbane to Chinchilla, QLD Rail

Brisbane (19:15) to Toowoomba (11:25) to Dalby (01:17) to Chinchilla (02:35) - Tue/Thu
Chinchilla (03:15) to Dalby (04:47) to Toowoomba (06:50) to Brisbane (11:25) - Thu/Sat

Brisbane to Chinchilla, Murrays or Greyhound

Brisbane (06:15 & 14:45) to Toowoomba (08:40 & 17:25) to Dalby (10:12 & 18:57) to Chinchilla (11:12 & 19:57) - Daily
Chinchilla (07:10 & 15:40) to Dalby (08:21 & 16:51) to Toowoomba (10:05 & 18:35) to Brisbane (12:10 & 20:43) - Daily
These are the bus routes to Mt Isa and Charleville. Morning service from Chinchilla to Brisbane misses Ipswich.

Greyhound Buses and Murrays Coaches both have routes that service Toowoomba, Dalby and Chinchilla (both bypass Ipswich).

Toowoomba to Cunnamulla, Murrays

Toowoomba (10:30) to Dalby (11:40) to St George (16:00) to Cunnamulla (19:45) - Sun / Wed / Fri
Cunnamulla (06:45) to St George (10:00) to Dalby (15:00) to Toowoomba (16:00) - Mon / Thu / Sat


The Warwick to Moree and Toowoomba to Lightning Ridge routes from QLD both travel via Goondiwindi. See below.

The Dubbo to Lightning Ridge route would connect up with the return trip to Toowoomba. at 07:00 Mon/Fri.

Northern NSW Destinations via Queensland

Toowoomba to Lightning Ridge, Murrays

Toowoomba (10:30) to Goondiwindi (13:10) to St George (16:10) to Lightning Ridge (19:05) - Mon / Thu
Lightning Ridge (07:00) to St George (09:40) to Goondiwindi (12:20) to Toowoomba (15:35) - Mon / Fri

Toowoomba to Warwick, Crisps Coaches

Toowoomba (10:45 & 15:45) to Warwick (12:00 & 17:15) - Mon / Fri
Warwick (08:00 & 12:30) to Toowoomba (09:35 & 13:50) - Mon / Fri / Wed (morning service only)

Warwick to Moree, Crisps Coaches

Warwick (13:00) to Goondiwindi (16:15) to Moree (17:45) - Mon / Fri
Moree (07:30) to Goondiwindi (09:00) to Warwick (11:30) - Mon / Fri

Warwick to Tamworth, Crisps Coaches

Warwick (13:00) to Tamworth (20:30) - Mon / Fri
Tamworth (05:00) to Warwick (10:45) - Mon / Fri

Warwick to Tenterfield, Crisps Coaches

Warwick (13:30) to Tenterfield (15:00) - Mon / Fri
Tenterfield (10:30) to Warwick (11:50) - Mon / Fri

Lightning Ridge

This and the following sections only cover Transport NSW routes, there may be other operators on these lines.


B514 leaving 05:50 on the B514 to Walgett (06:40) to Dubbo (10:20) - Tue/Wed/Thu
B582 leaving 08:50 to Walgett (09:40) to Dubbo (13:20) - Mon/Fri/Sat/Sun

B513 leaving Dubbo (14:20) to Walgett (18:00) to Lightning Ridge (18:59) - Daily


See Lightning Ridge section.
Bourke / Brewarrina

B511 leaving 14:16 to Buorke (18:46) or Brewarrina (19:00) - Tue/Thu/Fri/Sun

B512 leaving Buorke (09:00) to Dubbo (13:30) - Mon/Wed/Fri/Sat

Broken Hill

B589 leaving 14:15 to Wilcannia (20:55) to Broken Hill (23:15) - Daily

B590 leaving 04:15 to Wilcannia (06:15) to Dubbo (13:25) - Daily


B589 leaving 14:15 to Broken Hill (23:15) - Daily
T446 leaves 08:15 to Menindee (09:24) - Tue only

T445 leaves 18:22 to Broken Hill (19:40) - Mon only
Early morning B590 Tue service (04:15) to Dubbo (13:25) allows same day trip to Wilcannia, Bourke, Brewarrina or Walgett (Lightning Ridge)


B589 leaving 14:15 to Broken Hill (23:15) - Daily
B587 leaving Broken Hill (06:15) to Wentworth (09:30) - Weekdays

B588 leaving Wentworth (17:15) to Broken Hill (C19:30) - Weekdays
B590 leaving 04:15 to Dubbo (13:25) - Daily

Alternatively, head to Mildura to fly out.

Bourke to Brewarrina

Friday is the only day where you can do this short leg without an overnight stop:

Bus 512 leaves Bourke at 09:00 for Coolabah (Mon/Wed/Fri/Sat) and Bus 517 leaves Coolabah 17:24 to Brewarrina (Tue/Thu/Fri/Sun).

Bus 518 leaves Brewarrina 08:45 to Coolabah (Mon/Wed/Fri/Sat) and Bus 511 leaves Coolabah 17:24 to Bourke (Tue/Thu/Fri/Sun).

Louth and Tilpa

There are no public transport options from Louth or Tilpa. Hussle a ride north to Bourke; alternatively south to Wilcannia or Cobar.